· Estate tax planning

· National and international corporate taxation

· Business internationalization processes

· Tax advice for expatriates and impatriates

· Recurring tax advisory service


What is an Entrepreneur Service Point (PAE)?

The Entrepreneur Service Points (PAE) are responsible for facilitating the creation of new companies, the effective start of their activity and their development, through the provision of information services, documentation processing, advice, training and support to the business financing.

The PAEs rely on the CIRCE to create companies, and specifically on one of the components that make up it: the Telematic Processing System (STT). In this sense, when an entrepreneur chooses to start the procedures for creating a company from a PAE, he or she is implicitly using the CIRCE system.

The PAE has a double mission:

Provide information and advisory services to entrepreneurs in the definition of their business initiatives and during the first years of the company's activity.

Start the administrative process of establishing the company through the Single Electronic Document (DUE)


Services provided by an Entrepreneur Service Point

1. Information on the characteristics of the New Company Limited Company (SLNE), the Limited Liability Company (SRL), the Successive Formation Limited Company (SLFS), Community of Assets and Individual Entrepreneurship (self-employed): legal framework, commercial aspects most important, tax advantages, accounting aspects, processing systems, applicable regulations; In addition, information is offered on other legal forms in force in the commercial legal system.

2. Processing for the incorporation of companies through the telematic processing system developed by the General Directorate of Industry and SMEs, using the Single Electronic Document (DUE). This service must be provided on a mandatory and free basis.

3. Information on aid and incentives for business creation applicable to the project.

4. Information on the applicable Social Security regime, membership criteria, affiliation, contributions, etc.

5. General information on topics of interest to companies, such as: Financing, taxation, labor contracting, internationalization, research, technological development and innovation, business cooperation, etc.

6. Make the reservation of the company name for the in-person processing of the SLNE.


Business tax advice
Taxation of cooperatives
Tax advice for family businesses
Taxation of inheritances and family donations
Taxation of Non-residents
Tax management and inspection procedures
Collection procedures and sanctions
Administrative and judicial claims
International investment planning and advice
Advice on the application of international double taxation agreements to commercial operations


· Verification and investigation procedures by the Tax Administration: verification and inspection procedures
by the AEAT, both partial verification and general scope inspections. Actions before all inspection bodies and units dependent on the AEAT, regional administrations, local entities, etc.

· Procedures before collection bodies, in particular, extensive experience in defending liability derivations, suspensions, seizures, postponements, etc.

· Economic-administrative procedures of all types before Regional Economic-Administrative Courts and the Economic Court
Central Administrative: filing of claims, allegations and resources of all kinds.

· Contentious-administrative processes before all instances (Higher Courts of Justice, National Court, Supreme Court): substantiation of claims and appeals of all kinds.

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